Philip Henry Howard Surrey, Night Scene, n. d.
CA$4,000 - CA$6,000
Timed Auction
BYDealers – Art d’après-guerre & contemporain / Post-War & Contemporary Art
Philip Henry Howard Surrey
Pastel sur papier / Pastel on paper
47 x 33 cm / 18 ½ x 13 in
signée au bas à gauche / signed lower left
Collection particulière / Private collection, Montréal
Philip Surrey naît à Calgary, en Alberta, en 1910. À l’âge de 16 ans, il entame sa formation en art à la Winnipeg School of Art auprès de Lionel LeMoine FitzGerald et de George Overton. Il fait également la connaissance de Fritz Brandtner. À cette époque, il commence à peindre des scènes urbaines nocturnes éclairées par la lumière des lampadaires et des restaurants. En 1929, il déménage à Vancouver; il travaille comme graphiste à la Cleland-Kent Engraving tout en suivant des cours du soir auprès de Frederick Varley et de Jock Macdonald à la Vancouver School of Decorative and Applied Arts. En 1936, Surrey passe trois mois à l’Art Students League de New York, où il étudie auprès de Frank Vincent DuMond. L’année suivante, il s’installe à Montréal, où il trouve un emploi au journal The Standard, emploi qu’il maintiendra durant 25 ans. En 1964, l’éditeur du journal offre à Surrey l’occasion de peindre à plein temps tout en touchant un salaire. Pendant 12 années, il s’adonne donc librement à son art et présente plusieurs expositions individuelles. Membre fondateur de la Société d’art contemporain, Philip Surrey reçoit la Médaille du centenaire du Canada en 1967. En 1981, il obtient un doctorat honorifique de l’Université Concordia. Il est fait membre de l’Ordre du Canada l’année suivante. Il s’éteint à Montréal le 7 mai 1990.
Philip Surrey was born in Calgary, Alberta, in 1910. At the age of 16, he took his first art lessons at the Winnipeg School of Art, under Lionel LeMoine Fitzgerald and George Overton, and became friends with Fritz Brandtner. During this period, he began painting nocturnal urban scenes lit by street lamps and restaurant lights. In 1929, he moved to Vancouver, where he worked as a graphic artist at Cleland-Kent Engraving while taking evening art classes with Frederick Varley and Jock MacDonald at the Vancouver School of Decorative and Applied Arts. In 1936, Surrey spent three months at the Art Students League in New York, where he studied with Frank Vincent DuMond. The following year, he settled in Montreal and found work at The Standard newspaper, where he would remain for 25 years. In 1964, the paper’s publisher gave him the opportunity to paint full-time under salary. For the next 12 years, he devoted himself to his art practice and presented many solo exhibitions. A founding member of the Contemporary Arts Society, Surrey was awarded the Canadian Centennial Medal in 1967. In 1981, he received an honorary doctorate from Concordia University, and he was made a member of the Order of Canada the following year. Surrey died in Montreal on May 7, 1990.
Pastel sur papier / Pastel on paper
47 x 33 cm / 18 ½ x 13 in
signée au bas à gauche / signed lower left
Collection particulière / Private collection, Montréal
Philip Surrey naît à Calgary, en Alberta, en 1910. À l’âge de 16 ans, il entame sa formation en art à la Winnipeg School of Art auprès de Lionel LeMoine FitzGerald et de George Overton. Il fait également la connaissance de Fritz Brandtner. À cette époque, il commence à peindre des scènes urbaines nocturnes éclairées par la lumière des lampadaires et des restaurants. En 1929, il déménage à Vancouver; il travaille comme graphiste à la Cleland-Kent Engraving tout en suivant des cours du soir auprès de Frederick Varley et de Jock Macdonald à la Vancouver School of Decorative and Applied Arts. En 1936, Surrey passe trois mois à l’Art Students League de New York, où il étudie auprès de Frank Vincent DuMond. L’année suivante, il s’installe à Montréal, où il trouve un emploi au journal The Standard, emploi qu’il maintiendra durant 25 ans. En 1964, l’éditeur du journal offre à Surrey l’occasion de peindre à plein temps tout en touchant un salaire. Pendant 12 années, il s’adonne donc librement à son art et présente plusieurs expositions individuelles. Membre fondateur de la Société d’art contemporain, Philip Surrey reçoit la Médaille du centenaire du Canada en 1967. En 1981, il obtient un doctorat honorifique de l’Université Concordia. Il est fait membre de l’Ordre du Canada l’année suivante. Il s’éteint à Montréal le 7 mai 1990.
Philip Surrey was born in Calgary, Alberta, in 1910. At the age of 16, he took his first art lessons at the Winnipeg School of Art, under Lionel LeMoine Fitzgerald and George Overton, and became friends with Fritz Brandtner. During this period, he began painting nocturnal urban scenes lit by street lamps and restaurant lights. In 1929, he moved to Vancouver, where he worked as a graphic artist at Cleland-Kent Engraving while taking evening art classes with Frederick Varley and Jock MacDonald at the Vancouver School of Decorative and Applied Arts. In 1936, Surrey spent three months at the Art Students League in New York, where he studied with Frank Vincent DuMond. The following year, he settled in Montreal and found work at The Standard newspaper, where he would remain for 25 years. In 1964, the paper’s publisher gave him the opportunity to paint full-time under salary. For the next 12 years, he devoted himself to his art practice and presented many solo exhibitions. A founding member of the Contemporary Arts Society, Surrey was awarded the Canadian Centennial Medal in 1967. In 1981, he received an honorary doctorate from Concordia University, and he was made a member of the Order of Canada the following year. Surrey died in Montreal on May 7, 1990.